Sacrificial Love — 1982 & 1983

My True Love — Jake Scott

As I sit here and begin to write about our life starting in 1982, I find the memories are not as sharp as they were for other years.

New Job

New Job

As we started the year, I do remember that Connie was not very happy working at First National Bank. She stayed through most of the spring and then quit. She was not quite there for two years, but it was the right decision. Connie just did not think it was very professional and they might not make it. Now when she had started, she had talked me into buying stock in the bank which ended up being worthless when a bank that started after them bought them out.

I was doing ok during this time as I had no installations going on, so I would devote some of my time to another group in our division which was developing a new system for small companies that sold group insurance. They had a lot of new people and I would work with them and sometimes stay to 7 pm and help them with different things that they needed.  During late spring or early summer maybe around June, Connie took another job as an administrative assistant to the president of and environmental company. He owned the company and Connie, really enjoyed working with all the engineers there but not so much with him. After starting to work, she found out that he had 8 administrative assistants over the past year. It wasn’t that he was that hard to work for, it was just that he was very strange.

Award MVP


In August of that year, we had a meeting with the whole Life Insurance division, like we did every year. We had over 300 people in our division, so it came as a shock to me that I was awarded the Most Valuable Person in the division that year. It was humbling as we had a lot of great people who I thought deserved it more than I did. After that, the division manager called me in and offered me a team leader job on a new project called “The Insurance Machine”. I had worked on a large insurance company’s software when I first started. I decided to turn the job down. It was a great opportunity, but I prefer to stay working on the software for smaller companies where you were exposed to all the functions of an insurance company rather than just one department.  



It turned out to be a good decision for me because, in late September, I was selected to go to Hawaii, as we would be doing a study for an insurance company there and trying to sell then our system and services.

It also turned out well for Connie. I told her that if we sold the deal, there would be a good chance that I would be asked to move there. Also, Connie was going to be able to come over for two of the four weeks I was there. The person Connie was working for would not give her the time off to go to Hawaii, so she quit and told him that there was a good chance she might get to move to Hawaii. It was a good time for her to leave that company.

There was a little concern before we took off to Hawaii. Two of the guys were going to share one two-bedroom apartment. There was another two-bedroom apartment with two baths. They want to also send a lady on the study team. So, this young lady whom Connie and I were very close to and her husband were asked to check to see if our spouses were ok sharing that apartment. Neither one of our spouses had a problem. But it did not matter as a couple of weeks before we left the company in Hawaii ended up getting an additional apartment for the young lady. There would be another three people coming and we would all overlap, I went for the first 4 weeks and some of the other came the 2nd week and stayed through the 5th, week. Others came the 3rd, week and stayed through the 6th, week.  Luckily, I was selected to be in the first group to help establish a connection with their companies’ management team.  

On Columbus Day Oct 11th, 1982, I along with 3 other people left for Hawaii.  It was Monday and since the flight was so long, we were booked in business class which made the travel so much better. I remember the first thing I did after unpacking which was around 3 PM local time. I headed to the beach and found a payphone to call Connie. It was about 9 PM her time. I was so happy as she would be coming over this coming weekend with the lady who was part of the study team and whom we were good friends with. Connie was excited too as she was going to be there for two weeks, and she had left her job at the environmental company.  

The salesman had planned the study to implement our system at the company in Hawaii very well. Normally we work long hours and weekend doing a study. But his time we finished by 6 PM every day and had the weekends off as they knew some of our spouses would be coming over. The third week I was there and Connie’s second week another gentleman and his wife came over. He was only going to be there a couple of weeks, but it did give Connie someone to tour the island with that 2nd week while I was working but she seemed to do just fine the first week because she knew all the busses to catch to get to the major attraction.

We definitely enjoyed Pearl Harbor but the thing I think we enjoyed most was spending all day on Saturday at Polynesian Village. We got there around 9:30 that morning and did not leave until after 9 that evening.  It was probably the best day we had while we were there. We enjoyed going to some of the nicer restaurants where you sit almost right on the beach and watching the sunset.

There was a show on TV while I was over there called Magnum PI that starred Tom Selleck. We were at a company called Grand Pacific Insurance whose offices were located right across from the city hall. One morning everybody started talking and gathered at the windows directly across from the courthouse. They were filming Magnum PI that day.  It was funny a truck drove up they offloaded the Ferrari he drove. He got in it drove about 100 feet and got out. He then walked toward the courthouse while they loaded the Ferrari back onto the truck. So much for him driving it.

Connie had learned that on a lot of Sundays, he went to this one place for brunch. So, guess what we booked a brunch one Sunday at that restaurant. We got there at ten and stayed until three, but he never showed up.

These are some pictures from the two weeks that Connie was in Hawaii with me. I have included a couple of pictures from the Polynesian Cultural Center as that was our favorite place. I also include a view of Diamond Head from our balcony.

Click on an image to make it larger — Sparkie

We had two shelties at the time, Peaches and Misty and I can not remember who took care of them.  I came back from Hawaii on November 7th and Connie had come back the week before. It was so nice as I had been there for 4 weeks and Connie was with me for the 2nd and 3rd week.  I remember arriving at the airport that Sunday with a crate of pineapples as I wanted to give one to everyone in the office.

Thanksgiving 1982

Thanksgiving 1982

November came and for the second time, we had my mother fly out and spend Thanksgiving with us.  Since Connie was not a great cook and my mother was so we decided to order our Thanksgiving meal from one of the grocery chains. It as a fun weekend as I got to take my mother to where I worked so she could see my name on the plaque of Most Valuable Player.  It was great as I remember we had a really good time that weekend.  I remember us going to some of the shopping malls and we also hit the famous Christmas Tree Store. The weather was nice not too cold, not too hot, just enjoyable. I did not realize it at the time but that would be the last Thanksgiving I would spend with her. Looking back, I remember the first Thanksgiving when Connie and I were married and how much we enjoyed that meal with my parents.

I cannot recall anything special about Christmas or New Year’s Eve. I know at that age we usually went out to celebrate New Year’s Eve and I am sure we did then.

Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch

I am not sure of the year on this, but I believe it was in the fall of 1981 or 1982, that we started a neighborhood watch. Connie and I did not know any of the neighbors, but we invited everyone on our street to come to see about organizing a neighborhood watch. What was interesting about this story was that I was pulled over for running a stop sign on Saturday the day before.  The cop just gave me a warning, the next day when the police showed up to help us in starting a neighborhood watch program it was the same policeman that gave me the warning. I always wondered if he knew then he was coming to my house the next day.   


At work, things were going pretty well. I had given up leading an account team and led a team developing modifications to our life insurance systems for Interest-sensitive Products especially Universal Life and IRA’s with different investment options. This was a big project and we needed to get the design, coding, and implementation within the next year to provide our current customers with, the things they were asking for and to keep our system marketable. I was really happy they chose me to lead this team. The good thing for me was that a lot of groundwork and ideas had already been laid out by a system engineer and one of our smaller accounts in Not Carolina. It was done by the guy I had worked for at Horace Mann in 1975 (Marty Bell). Without his prep work and ideas, the task would have been twice as hard. So, he deserves most of the credit for the design and some of the initial programming. Without that, we would have never made our year deadline.

In March of that year, Connie and I went on a vacation to Sint Maarten and Saint Martin. You can read all about that trip under the Trips section and it also includes a couple of pictures. I have also posted a funny about “The Purse”.

Connie’s New Job>

Connie’s New Job

After we got back from that trip, Connie started working again. She had found a job working for a lady who owned her own business.  It was a secretarial service and the lady and Connie were the only two working there. The interesting thing that came out of that job was Connie met a girl named Michelle and they were very good friends for about 15 years.  I will go into more detail about their friendship as we get into future years.  Connie enjoyed the job as it was not very stressful and since the lady was just starting and a lot of times there was not much work, so Connie would come home early.

Struggling with my RA

Struggling with my RA

It was during this time, that I found myself struggling a lot with my Rheumatoid Arthritis and started doing some physical therapy. I would go to the PT place and they had a big spa (tub) filled with water at about 103 to 104 degrees. My RA was so bad at this time I could not climb into it so they had a lift that would host me up, put me into the tub, and lift me out. I also started using a paraffin bath for my hands.  The summer was really hot, but I do not remember anything outstanding that happened for the rest of the year. I know it was hard for Connie, not only did she hate to see me struggling but it also limited the number of activities that I could do, but she never complained.  

There was a workout place that opened up in a small shopping center, but I cannot remember the name of it. It was kind of expensive, but I went and talked to the management about using their spa and sauna. The doctors at that time did not want me to use any of the exercise equipment. They did not like anything that would put stress on my joints. They preferred activities in a pool. The company agreed to let me use the spa and sauna anytime I wanted for $15 a month which was a good deal at the time. That became a Sunday night routine for many months.

Additional Information 1983

Additional Information 1983

I have thought of some additional things that I will add to this section about 1983.

We had completed the modification to our system to process the new interest-sensitive life insurance policies like Universal life and flexible premium annuities. These modifications allowed for investment into different funds. These funds could be money market, mutual funds, stock funds, or others that the insurance companies would invest in. Most companies offer between 5 to 10 funds initially.

I along with some others started going on sales calls with the salesman to explain how we would handle these products. Most companies already had insurance systems that they were running, and their systems could not support these new types of products. We offer to process them for a base cost each month and an amount per policy that would be reduced base on the number of policies we were processing. The first two we sold were to Life of the Southwest in Dallas, Texas, and Bankers Life in Lincoln Nebraska. More about that in 1984 write-up.

In November of that year, Connie had a baby shower for Lou An, who was expecting her first child in the springs.  I occupied her husband for that Sunday afternoon while everyone was at my house. Connie did a wonderful job and the party was a great success. Rick, Lou An, Connie, and I talked for a long time after the party, and then about 8 PM we went to a restaurant in Plano called Cheddars for dinner. It was a wonderful happy day.